Cat3C moves theory training and courses online


ATPL theory training company Cat3C is continuing to provide all current and scheduled TKI courses (theoretical knowledge instruction) via online video-conferencing.

“This has been a massive undertaking by our entire team,” said Captain Bill Chivers, head of training. “We had to overcome multiple challenges at the same time to keep our students on track with their studies.”

In a short space of time Cat3C has located and trialled the most appropriate video conferencing platform to support the large number of students, and arranged home based facilities for instructors to deliver of training.

“Despite these challenges we were able to get our courses up and running and back on track three days after the nationwide lockdown and have now been running these remote classes for the past three weeks,” continued Chivers.

Nigel Orme, executive director, added, “We are about to open up all of our newly scheduled brush-up and exam preparation courses to non-Cat3C students, making sure that any student pilot in the UK or Europe will have the ability to access this much needed training to continue their education.”

Cat3C is based at Gloucestershire Airport.