Pilot Aptitude Test releases free Aer Lingus info pack

Aer.lingus.a320-200.ei-den.arp-1Pilot Aptitude Test has released a new two-page Airline InfoPack to coincide with the Aer Lingus Cadet Pilot Programme.

The Aer Lingus Cadet Pilot Programme represents a great opportunity for many aspiring pilots, and Pilot Aptitude Test has released a new Airline InfoPack that will enable assessment candidates to rapidly access, digest and use pertinent chunks of information relating to the airlines’ financial, fleet and corporate governance history.

This Airline InfoPack joins eight others, which have been created to reflect the recruitment of particular airlines over a twelve-month period. Airline InfoPacks are available to all clients, and for a limited time, Pilot Aptitude Test will be providing access to the Aer Lingus Airline InfoPack free of charge.

Get the Aer Lingus Airline InfoPack here.