Back-from-the-dead Flybe airline starts recruiting

FlybeThe resurrected Flybe airline is recruiting – but it has yet to say what jobs will be on offer.

The sale of the old Flybe’s assets and business was completed earlier this year to a new company affiliated with investment adviser Cyrus Capital. The new company previously known as Thyme Opco Limited, will now be renamed ‘Flybe Limited’.

Simon Edel, joint administrator handling the sale, said, “Completion of the sale of Flybe is positive news for local communities previously served by Flybe.

“The launch of a new Flybe will enhance regional connectivity across the UK and create new job opportunities within the airline industry. Flybe stands to make an important contribution to local economies as they rebuild after the pandemic and as restrictions ease to allow an increase in air travel.”

Flybe recruiting

An advertisement from Flybe is appearing on the UK LinkedIn site

A Flybe Limited spokesperson added, “We are extremely excited to announce the conclusion of almost six months of dedicated hard work by the great team at Flybe, the UK Civil Aviation Authority, the European Commission, and the many others who made this announcement possible. Today’s news represents a critical first step in our mission to accomplish the first-ever rescue of an insolvent British airline.

“Subject to further success with vaccinations and relaxation of travel restrictions, we plan to launch a new and much improved Flybe sometime this summer on many of our former routes where there remains a critical need for a strong, reliable, and customer-focused airline. While our company will initially be smaller than before, we intend to grow, create valuable jobs, and make significant contributions to essential regional connectivity in the UK and EU.”
