TUI Welcomes Diverse Group of New Cadets

TUI, the first UK airline to introduce a fully-funded Multi-Pilot Licence (MPL) Cadet Scheme in almost two decades, has begun training its first intake of cadets.

The programme, launched in December 2022, attracted a whopping 6,700 applications, leading to 2,000 interviews. From this pool, the top 30 were chosen, making them the first UK MPL Cadets in over 15 years.

The fresh cadets began their training at the start of September 2023, with their inaugural supernumerary flights completed last week. These cadets hail from various backgrounds; while some were cabin crew, others were professionals like chefs, doctors, engineers, a syrian refugee and a personal trainer and two medically discharged members of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines.

While some had minimal flight experience, many had never even entered a cockpit before. For many cadets, the dream of becoming a pilot often remained distant due to the high costs involved. However, with TUI’s new programme, these individuals are now on a clear trajectory to fly as B737 pilots for the airline, sans any financial burdens.

Malcolm Sutherland, Director of TUI Airways, voiced his pride in the programme: “Our pilots play an essential role in our customers’ holiday experience right from the airport. This unique prograRemove featured imagem has been monumental in ensuring we continue to attract passionate individuals dedicated to making our customers’ journeys special. We’re heartened to see other airlines taking inspiration from our initiative, further diversifying the industry.”

He further elaborated on the training structure, “The cadets begin with ground school, then transition to basic and advanced flying training phases. Eventually, they’ll delve into the broader nuances of our business before commencing operational line training on the 737.”

In August, they were lauded by the Aviation Minister and were also recipients of an award from The Air League. Malcolm Sutherland was awarded the Scott-Farnie medal for the airline’s work introducing this cadet program.

With this initiative, TUI is not only shaping the future of aviation but also breaking barriers by offering opportunities to deserving individuals from all walks of life.